Competitions & Awards
SUNLIGHT headquarter competition, 1st prize - Xanthi, Greece, 2003
SUNLIGHT headquarter was limited competition. Wael Aboneama proposed this design through the Eksonofone Stefanedis office and won 1st prize. The design philosophy extends beyond even a broadly aesthetics-based assessment, to include considerations of ethics, social and political philosophy, and philosophical reflections on psychology and the behavioral sciences. The aesthetics of the building design, by itself, spans traditional issues mooted in the philosophy of art, as well as the aesthetics of every day, and environmental aesthetics. Such traditional issues include the nature of the work; the possibility of classes, kinds, or types in the domain; the character and roles of representation, intentionality, and expression; and the warranted foundations for criticism. The trends in this design mean that cubicles and landscape layouts are out and activity-based design is in. With a moveable workforce, offices often have low rates of use. In order to save energy and resources, systems for lighting, acoustics, and ventilation are flexible, and automatically adapt to how space is being used on the day.